Sunday 6 October 2024

20241006 Richards Pipit & Red-backed Shrike, Happisburgh


20241006 Richards Pipit
One of the two birds showed well on the coast track.

20241008 Richards Pipit
1st winter with much white edging and tips in wing.

20241008 Richards Pipit

20241006 Red-backed Shrike
Bowling Green hedge.
1st winter.

20241006 Red-backed Shrike
Late evening by the pond.

20241008 Richards Pipit
Streaking confined to upper breast.
Lores remains pale head on.

20241006 Asian Desert Warbler, Winterton Dunes


20241006 Asian Desert Warbler
BIL 463.

20241006 Asian Desert Warbler
greyish wash to upper-parts.

20241006 Asian Desert Warbler
dark shafts on tertials.

20241006 Asian Desert Warbler
black around shaft of central tail feather. 

Saturday 28 September 2024

20240928 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler, Bempton Cliffs


20241002 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes
Gave one loud call first thing in morning, strong metallic 'chi-ink', or 'pink'
Somewhat explosive in quality.

20241002 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
Species record on Thailand trip 2000.
Note white claws enhancing pale feet and legs.

20241002 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler

20241002 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
Has the jizz and behaviour akin to a Radde's Warbler....

20241002 Arctic Warbler
Spurn NNR Discovery Centre Scrub.
In shade for comparison with Pale-leg...
Greener and not so bulky, compact large headed phyllosc shape.

20241002 Arctic Warbler
In bright direct sunlight, no comparison....
yellowish green.

20240929 Yellow-browed Warbler
Frequently showed in skylight out of cover.
Pale-legged loosley associated with 2 Yellow-browed Warblers above it on a feeding circuit.

20240929 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
Slowly moved through dense bramble tangle, giving only brief views as here.

20240930 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
However deep in cover the pink legs and feet showed through.
Also the greater covert bar showed.
Pink-legged Leaf Warbler would be more memorable...

20241002 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler

20241002  Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
Lesser covert bar on left wing. 

20241002 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
Small head to bulky body jizz.

20241002 Song Thrush
On territory.
As one vol said ' its about time Bempton had a good bird'....

20241002 Tree Sparrow
Colony about feeders.

20241002 Pale-legged Leaf Warbler

Sunday 22 September 2024

20240922 Siberian Stonechat, KWMeadows

20240923 Siberian Stonechat
1st winter male.
Much pale buff edging....

20240923 Siberian Stonechat
Where in the cline of maura to stejnegeri can only be determined by DNA...?
or can it be a lack of field knowledge...

20240923 Siberian Stonechat

20240923 Siberian Stonechat
Black underwing coverts.

20240923 Siberian Stonechat
Dark malar stripe and eye mask show well face on, also the paler supercilium becomes clearer.

20240926 Siberian Stonechat
Quite a richly toned specimen.

20240926 Siberian Stonechat

20240926 Siberian Stonechat

20240926 Siberian Stonechat
Black Ax and coverts, edged with off white indicating 1st cy.

20240926 Yellow-browed Warbler
Waco Camp.

20240926 Yellow-browed Warbler

Tuesday 10 September 2024

20240910 Wood Warbler & Flycatchers, Holkham Pines


20240910 Wood Warbler
In The Dell

20240910 Wood Warbler

20240910 Pied Flycatcher

20240910 Willow Warbler

20240910 Spotted Flycatcher
An exceptional autumn for this migrant.

Friday 6 September 2024

20240906 Spotted Flycatcher & Tree Pipit Blakeney Point


20240906 Golden Plover
Lone bird on the Spit. A portent of the day ahead...

20240906 Spotted Flycatcher
6+ on The Hood.
A fall....?

20240906 Tree Pipit
Briefly down onto bramble patch and off inland, calling: 'spihhzz'.

20240906 Spotted Flycatcher

20240906 Spotted Flycatcher

20240906 Garden Warbler

20240906 Pied Flycatcher
Adult Female.

20240906 Redstart