Thursday 3 February 2022

20220203 Red-breasted Goose, NWT Cley Marshes & Blakeney Freshmarsh


20220203 Red-breasted Goose
Thin white edging to the lesser coverts indicates a 1st winter bird.

20220207 Red-breasted Goose
Banking into land, Blakeney Freshes.

20220307 Red-breasted Goose 
With small family flock of Dark-bellied Brent Geese.
2 white wing bars very prominant at range.

20220122 Fieldfare
1st winter bird on West Bank.

20220207 Pale-bellied Brent Goose
Pale flank and belly stand out in good light.

20220207 Tundra Bean Goose
Walked through 4000 Pinkfoot on Freshmarsh.
Many Dark-bellied Brents mixed in gathering.

202202022 Red-breasted Goose
Off Swan Lake with Db Brents.
1/400th sec not fast enough for flight action...

20220203 Db Brent
Pair Green J4 and D3.
In Eye Field.
See 20221229.

Wednesday 2 February 2022

20220202 Siberian Chiffchaff Holt Sewage Works & Cley-next-the-Sea

20220126 abietinus type Chiffchaff
Holt Sewage Works.

20220126 Siberian Chiffchaff
Holt Sewage Works.

20220202 Siberian Chiffchaff P collybita tristis
Pale green in wing and tail edging.
Brown tea stain bleeds down from ear-coverts to breast sides.
Greyish brown crown, mantle and wing-coverts.
Call: This sighting of the Siberian Chiffchaff was confirmed by the bird calling on two separate occasions.
The call being a flat monosyllabic call ‘ weet’ and of a higher register than Chiffchaff.
It was useful that three other Chiffchaffs were in the area to provided comparative calls set against the Siberian Chiffchaff
and providing further confirmation of call differences. Dr M Davies

20220202 Siberian Chiffchaff
Overal very pale and striking off white underparts.
Even the flanks lacking in tone.

20140222 Siberrian Chiffchaff
Clennon Valley, Devon for comparison.

20140222 Siberian Chiffchaff
Clennon Valley, Devon for comparison.

20220121 Siberian Chiffchaff
RSPB Titchwell Marsh.
In bright sunlight for comparison.

20220202 Siberian Chiffchaff
Glaven Valley, Cley.
In overcast but bright conditions.
Diffuse wing-bar formed by tips of greater coverts.
Note off white under-tail coverts here.

20170926 Chiffchaff
Morston Quay.
1st autumn collybita

20141011 Siberian Chiffchaff
Holmn Dunes NWT found in sycamore with Yellow-browed Warbler, a classic day.
Photo by Nik Brown.

20220503 Chiffchaff
Fresh spring adult.