Wednesday 25 February 2015

20150225 NWT Cley Marshes Marsh Harrier Blondie & mate

Spring has Sprung.
Blondie Cley's top apex predator has the look of love in her eyes... or is that death?
Marsh Harrier.
Blondie's mate Darkie.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

20150210 Water Pipit. NWT Cley

Water Pipit.
Winter plumage. This bird is returning to newly cut reed by the boardwalk to centre hides. 
Water Pipit.

Water Pipit.

Monday 9 February 2015

20150209 Black Redstart

Black Redstart.

20150209 Gargeney. NWT Cley

1st winter male out on Pope's Marsh from East Bank, 9th Feb. 2800mm and crop.
The bird was found last Wenesday afternoon
the record being  rubbished by the vols on duty when mentioned by a sceptical BFC,
disgraceful behaviour all round.


Back on Simmond's Scrape, 11th Feb.
2800mm and very dull day.

Bird found close to East bank on Serpentine afternoon of 18th.
The bird is in the photo op bag.

Friday 6 February 2015

20150206 Wild Swans & Crane. Ludham & NWT Hickling Broad

Bewick Swan.
St Benets Levels

Bewick and Whooper Swan.
St Benets Levels.

Whooper Swan.

Bewick Swan.

Cold Harbour.
Was bloody cold.

Stubbs Mill fly by in afternoon.


Wednesday 4 February 2015

20150204 Glaucous Gull & Iceland Gull Sherringham

Glaucous Gull.
1st winter off promenade.
Sea spray and gunk on lens caused focusing difficulty and pink areas on the photos
 so colour balance adjusted but the bird has ended up with a green breast in low res...

Glaucous Gull. 1st winter.
As this sequence strobed by I felt good about it. Best ever Glauc shot.
Iceland Gull. 1st winter.
Bird flew close in on promenade in shadow of buildings, WB wrong therefore and EV -1.0 stop...dam.

Iceland Gull. 1st winter.

4 birds about cliffs here sitting on suitable nesting ledges.

Iceland Gull & Common Gull.

Iceland Gull.
Glaucous Gull.
Glaucous Gull.
Sea spray on lens!??

Monday 2 February 2015