Monday 29 April 2024

20240429 Eastern Subalpine Warbler, Holme Dunes


20240429 E Subalpine Warbler
Substantial sub-moustachial stripe.

20240429 E Subalpine Warbler
Pale brown remiges of 1st summer bird.

20240429 E Subalpine Warbler
1st summer male.
Flanks off white.

20240429 E Subalpine Warbler
Belly and central breast white.

20240429 C Redstart

Friday 26 April 2024

20240426 C Nightingale, NW Suffolk


20240426 C Nightingale
15 plus males in song.
A good Nightingale year...??

20240426 C Nightingale

20240426 Habitat
Young trees, shrubs and scrub... rare these days.

20240426 Willow Warbler
As with the remaining Turtle Dove habitat, Willow Warbler and Song  Thrush are found.

20240426 Willow Warbler

Monday 22 April 2024

20240422 Black Tern, Red-breasted Goose and Black-winged Stilt, Frampton Marsh


20240422 Black Tern

202404022 Black Tern

20240422 Red-breasted Goose
Shot taken blind on lift off of flock. RbGoose well hinden amongst DbBrent in overcast light.

20240422 Black-winged Stilt
1st summer bird....

Monday 15 April 2024

20240219 Bird Field Sketching day course, Sculthorpe Moor

 Day Course in field sketching techniques Friday 19th April 1000 -1500hrs

Sculthorpe Moor, Fakenham. Tel: 01328 856 788

During the day we will look at the internal structure of birds and their feather zones applying this to sketching species from life at Sculthorpe Moor.

We will include the species preferred habitat and the landscape within the field sketch, to give an impression of its place in the environment at the Reserve.

Techniques to improve speed of field sketching will be investigated.Style and technique will be related to the clients vision of their own aims and finished artwork.

20220503 Siberian Chiffchaff

Friday 5 April 2024

20240405 Marsh Harrier, NNorfolk


20240405 Marsh Harrier
Pair at Cley, males marriage offer is the tempting head of a Greylag Goose.

20240412 MHarrier
Dark type male hunting at Snettisham.

20240322 MHarrier
1st summer male into Cley roost, Orange 43.
Grey tail feathers appearing.

20240314 MHarrier 
1st summer female, orange 44, sister of above male.

20240314 MHarrier
Orange 44, showing pale edging to wing coverts of a 1st year bird
 and fresh looking tags.