Saturday 20 July 2024

20240720 Caspian Gull juvenile green E/U, Sheringham

20240720 Caspian Gull
Fresh juv loafing on rocks with Herring Gull.

20240720 Caspian Gull

20240720 Lesser Black Backed Gull
2nd summer in wing moult,
white bases of secondaries showing as most of the greater coverts have been shed.

20240626 Cromers new rocky reef for Gulls


20240626 Rocky Reef
 Excellent way to spend a Gullers council tax.

20240626 Rocky Reef
Gulls on a level from prom and not easily flushed by the public.

The first Gull portraite on Rocky Reef from prom.

202407016 Cromer Reef
Yet more construction...

20240716 Cromer Reef
3 massive diggers and millions of pounds...

Wednesday 10 July 2024

20240710 Red-footed Falcon SWT Carlton Marshes


20240710 Red-footed Falcon
1st summer male.
In The German's Dead Bush during the morning. The bird would not return here despite an all day
stake out.

20240710 Red-footed Falcon
6 central tail feathers are dark grey of the adult male plumage, 4 outer still juveniles.
Also lacks the pale grey silvery glint in remiges of adult male.
cf 2nd May.

20240710 Red-footed Falcon
On The Stick, its favoured purch in the middle of Share Marsh.
Strange but often true, a SWT vol decides to do a Raft Spider survey on Share Marsh and around The Stick all day....??

Saturday 29 June 2024

20240629 Black-crowned Night Heron, Roseate Tern & Short-eared Owl, Cley Marshes


20240629 Bc Night Heron
Leaving NFWood for the 2nd time and joined 3 Little Egret...
Or is this a 2nd bird of the morning...

20240629 Bc Night Heron
Perched in NFWood beside group of Little Egret.

20240629 BcNight Heron
Flew West high with 2 Little Egret.

20240639 Roseate Tern

20240630 Roseate Tern
With Common and Sanwich Tern Arnolds Marsh.

20240630 Roseate Tern
with 2 Sandwich Tern

20240707 Short-eared Owl
Adult Salthouse Marshes.

20240707 Short-eared Owl

Tuesday 11 June 2024

20240611 Osprey, NWT Ranworth Broad


20240611 Osprey
Pair on nest platform.

20240611 Osprey
Low over a Ranworth road, looking up at soaring Marsh Harrier.
This bird has a coloured darvik on rt leg.

20240611 Grey Heron
Juveniles on flooded road as water levels still high.

20240611 Spotted Redshank
Brendens Marsh Hickling Broad.

20240611 Osprey
Low over a Ranworth road. 

20240628 Great Crested Grebe
Sucessful breeding season on Ranworth Broad.
Shot from electric boat trip around broad. £9.00

20240628 Osprey 
Ranworth Broad from boat.
Always worth a boat trip...

20240628 Kingfisher
Male fishing dyke.

20240628 Ranworth floating VC

20240628 Great Crested Grebe
Pair at floating nest way out from bank and attatched to a few twiggs...

Thursday 6 June 2024

20240606 Bridled Tern, Coquet Island, Northumberland


20240606 Bridled Tern

20240606 Bridled Tern

20240606 Bridled Tern

20240606 Bridled Tern

20240606 Bridled Tern

Tuesday 4 June 2024

20240604 American Black Tern, NT Long Nanny, Northumberland


20240604 American Black Tern
Darker grey upperparts with a white leading edge to the wings.

20240604 A Black Tern
2 eggs seen in the nest.

20240605 American Black Tern Chlidonias surinamensis
Carbon black head and body to rear of flank.

20240605 American Black Tern

20240605 American Black Tern
Paired with male Arctic Tern...

20240604 Arctic Tern
On Nigella's nest spike.

20240606 A Black Tern
Change over at the nest. Male Arctic was reluctant to leave...

20240605 American Black Tern
Leading in white.

20190614 Black Tern
June bird at Cley in very dull conditions.
No white leading edge to wing.