Wednesday 29 May 2024

20240529 Little Stint & Sanderling, Arnold's beach


20240529 Sanderling & Little Stint
Rich rufous bird in breeding condition.

20240529 Little Stint
1st sum bird, white about face and minimal colouring in ear-coverts.

20240529 Bar-tailed Godwits and Red Knot
Knot in full non-breeding winter plumage...
Arnold's Marsh.

20240529 Little Stint
Associated with flock of 6 Tundra Ringed Plover.

20240529 Little Stint

Wednesday 22 May 2024

20240522 Turtle Dove, NE Norfolk


20240522 Turtle Dove
Arguably the last pair in the region....

20240522 Passenger Pigeon...??

20240522 Turtle Dove
Male displaying.

Saturday 4 May 2024

20240504 Collared Flycatcher, Spurn


20240504 Collared Flycatcher

20240504 Collared Flycatcher

20240504 Collared Flycatcher

20240505 Pied Flycatcher

20240504 Collared Flycatcher

Thursday 2 May 2024

20240502 Red-footed Falcon, NWT Hickling broad


20240502 Red-footed Falcon
Adult male.
Full glide profile whilst hunting Dragonflies.

20240502 Red-footed Falcon
Earliest emerging is the Hairy Dragonfly but do they disperse at high altitude...?
On a very hot day such as this, with light NE winds, newly emerged tenerals are likely
to be taken high into the sky over wetland reedbeds.

20240502 Red-footed Falcon
Soft and juicy teneral is easily dismenbered in flight.

20240502 Red-footed Falcon

20240502 Eurasian Hobby
6 birds hunting with Red-foot.
Single birds over Brendons Marsh.

20240502 E Hobby
More rakish and dashing than the Red Foot.

20240502 Red-footed Falcon

20240502 Red-footed Falcon
Remiges paler Payne's grey with silvery glint in sunlight.
Dark grey uniform tail.
No plumage signs of immaturity.

20240502 E Hobby
Upperparts more uniform grey then Red-foot. 
Paler grey tail and larger head obvious at long range.
Black hood and white collar obvious at mid-range.

20240502 E Hobby
Shows the 3 pronged tail shape of adult birds.

20240502 Red-footed Falcon
Wildly over exposed shadows here in post processing...
Does reveal marginally darker undering coverts in blotches.