Sunday, 22 January 2012

20120122 Spanish Sparrow & Dark-eyed Junco Calshot and the New Forrest


20120122 Spanish Sparrow

20120122 Spanish Sparrow & House Sparrow

20120122 Spanish Sparrow

20120122 Dark-eyed Junco

Sunday, 15 January 2012

20120115 Kumlien's Gull, Brixham Devon


20120115 Kumlien's Gull
Adult loafing late evening on pontoon, Brixham Harbour.
1st for Kumlien's for Devon.
Lumix G1 & Sigma 150-500mm.

20120115 Kumlien's Gull
Wide ovel body shape end on.

20120115 Kumlien's Gull
Primary pattern within bandwidth of the Kumlien's buffer zone...
between Iceland and Thayer's...
Darker iris than adult Iceland Gull, as in Thayer's.

20120115 Kumlien's Gull
One notch paler in upperparts cf argenteus, KGScale: 4
kumlieni KGScale: 3

20120115 Kumlien's Gull

20120115 Great Black-back Gull
Ad 5th winter... as remains of black band in bill.