Friday, 30 May 2014

20140530 Siberian Chiffchaff

Chiffchaff flushed from Suaeda (Shrubby Sea-blite) on Blakeney Point. Bird briefly landed on shingle looking extremely pale in the bright light with black eyes, legs and bill standing out, so immediatley thought tritis. Bird was overlooked by several birders here as a 'chiffy'.
Only obtained upper body shots as the bird called but I was to far off to hear this.A birder in welly boots heard it well from the mud side of the sea-blite and said it was good for tritris. Would have liked a shot of flight feather edges but note tea coloured ear coverts and breast sides.Also lack of any olive brown tones in the upperparts.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

2010520 Hobby

Not frequently seen and birds donot seem to linger over the reserve, quick dash in and out.

Monday, 19 May 2014

20140519 Temminck's Stint

3 birds finally came in close on Pats Pool this evening.

  • Birds overall tone the same as the mud so difficult to get contrast. Best to remove converter under these conditions as I was zooming out for this this shot at 1200mm.
  • Birds in fresh summer plumage with different amounts of dark centred feathers on scapulars.

Friday, 16 May 2014

20140516 Skylark

Skylark singing from post at Cley, Eye Field.
Print to Charlie for loan of ladders.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

20140514 Little Egret

Feeding patch disputes on Simmond's Scrape. Note for customers, Cley's very dark sticky mud on yellow feet.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

20140503 Crane

9 Crane over Blakeney marshes going West. Lost hight and turned as if to land on marshes but then increased speed and continued along coast.
Shot taken walking back from Half way House on Blakeney Point.
Sunny day so many dog walkers by late morning ignoring all signs to keep muts on leads because of the ground nesting birds. Obviously dogs should be banned from the whole of the NNR.

20140503 Reed Bunting