Wednesday, 29 July 2015

20150729 Little Tern success!

Little Tern
Juveniles being fed on tide line.
RAW image processed through Elements 13.
33 young fledged from 2 small colonies on the Point. Best year since 2011.

Barry's VIP day on the Point with the Polaris.

Little Tern.
6 Juvenile Little Tern being fed on the beach this morning.
Successful year!!
Little Tern
20150527 adult fishing.

20150729 Arctic Skua NT Blackeney Point

Arctic Skua.
Image processed from RAW file in Elements 13.

Friday, 3 July 2015

20150703 Shorty on Shed

Shorty on  Shed.
Mr &Mrs RF Porter with Artists Beverley and Tom.
In response to the Cley15's installations on the beach The Warden and Manager thought that something should be done to spruce up the CP Shed.

Ben & Jo at Shorty on Shed.
Following an excellently successful concert and fly by at Blickling Hall the world maestro lead violinist of Sinfonia Viva and wife take a well earned break on the reserve.

Mother Dear, Jimbo and Pip visit Shorty on Shed whilst Ben is manning the CP.