Tuesday, 5 June 2018

20180605 Bee Orchid & Common Mallow RSPB Titchwell

Bee Orchid
Arguably the first recorded on the Titchwell Reserve.

Bee Orchid
Right beside the West Band Path.
A protective cage was added latter in the day.
Bee Orchid

Common Mallow
In full bloom against a deep blue sky along the uncut path to the hide.

Sunday, 3 June 2018

20180603 Moltoni's Subalpine Warbler NT Blakeney Point

Common Tern
Pair fishing along Morston Creek.
Ringing of Common Tern last took place on the point in 2010...

Moltoni's Subalpine Warbler
Male in song from Lifeboat House garden and often calling, as churrr of Whitethroat, 'ttrrrrrr'.

Inadvertently and without due care and attention two
apprentices, spanning 30 years meet and confer, 
nervously discussing the status of Red-billed Tropicbird in the British Isles.