Thursday, 25 March 2021

20210325 Large Tortoiseshell, Common Lizard, Dartford Warbler & Red Fox N Norfolk Heaths


20210325 Large Tortoiseshell
Found on the 22nd by two pseudo-notables when status was discussed...
Was surprised to find a twitch developing on the 25th..??

20210325 Large Tortoiseshell
Note uniform inner hindwings, Smalls are dark brown at the base.
Was noticeably larger than Small Tort but not overwhelmingly so.

20210326 Common Lizard

20180713 Small Tortoiseshell
Bright individual in July, Bayfield Estate.

20210329 Small Tortoiseshell
Blakeney Downs
Whiter forewing strips on this individual and weaker blue tabs.
Do they fade during winter hibernation? Compare with fresh July individual above.

20210330 Red Fox
At 1200mm tail gets clipped...

20210330 Red Fox
The ultimate portrait

20100328 Woodlark
Good numbers on the heaths this spring.
Association with grazing mammals shown here.

20210407 Dartford Warbler
Top tail shot, well shaped.

20210407 Dartford Warbler
Male in song. Male Stonechat singing from the same gorse bush.

20210407 Dartford Warbler

20201222 Dartford Warbler 
RFP's Little Friend overwintering on Blakeney Spit. See CBC Winter Newsletter, 
excellent tale.
1st autumn bird with browner upperparts. 
Where has it gone to breed...?

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

20210323 White-tailed Sea Eagle, Bayfield Lake


20210323 White-tailed Eagle
Low over Natural Surroundings and heading up the Glaven Valley. 

20210323 White-tailed Sea Eagle
With local Red Kite, regularly seen escorting Sea Eagles.
Note Tx bulge on mantle. 

202103223 White-tailed Sea Eagle
Note longer 3 'bulging' outer secondaries of juvenile.

20210323 White-tailed Sea Eagle
Upperparts pattern of immature bird.
Bird just above tree top height and flew off South... 

20210323 White-tailed Sea Eagle
With dwarfed local Buzzard