Saturday, 24 July 2021

20210724 Western Sandpiper RSPB Snettisham & White Stork

20210726 Western Sandpiper
Black bill and legs, hind toe and minimal web.

20210726 Western Sandpiper
& Dunlin.

20210726 Western Sandpiper
Infrequently shot forward as Sanderling with wide gait.

20210726 Western Sandpiper
Pale orangish burnt sienna to crown sides and mid scapulars, not in ear-coverts on this bird.
Dark lores on a pale head.

20210726 Western Sandpiper
On arrival found bird on beach North of hides in Dunlin HT roost.!??
The 2nd bite of the cherry.

20210726 Western Sandpiper
How difficult are stints & peeps...?

20210726 Western Sandpiper
Bill jizz as Dunlins but smaller as per stint.

20210726 Common Snipe
Centre hides open! Just Great.
Is this a juvenile Snipe?
Or a faeroeensis race?
Sadly no longer common. Should be renamed Long-billed Duchess Snipe...

20210724 Western Sandpiper
Associated with loose Dunlin flock way out on mud once the tide had turned.

20210724 White Stork
Ashwicken frequenting large horse paddocks.

Monday, 19 July 2021

20210719 Black-tailed Godwit CR birds NWT Cley Marshes


20210719 Black-tailed Godwit
 In fine evening light on Serpentine.

20210719 Black-tailed Godwit
Juvenile backlit morning light on Serpentine.

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

20210714 Wood Sandpiper & Ruff from OPEN centre hides


20210714 Ruff

20210714 Wood Sandpiper
Adult summer.
Dawkes still shut, nesting Swalllow & Pied Wagtail.
Reed Warbler hunting spiders in other 2 hides. 

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

20210713 Commmon Buzzard, over Elsden Close, Holt


20210713 CBuzzard
Dark morph juvenile soared low over the estate. 
Slowly circled low off to SE.
Reported over bypass by observer in car at this time??
Secondaries nipped in at body on parallel wing with long arm.

20210713  CBuzzard
Broad black trailing edge to remiges.
Juvs do not have the long tails of ads so proportions appear as C Buzzard.
Yellow base and black tip to bill of juvenile very diagnostic...

20210713  CBuzzard
Fine barring on white tail with darker central feathers.
Unusual for dark morph in that upper tail coverts are not paler than rump,
so no U shape on this bird.
Also only small paler inner primary patches on upperwing.
Warm brown morph juveniles are the most similar form to adult C Buzzard.

Sunday, 4 July 2021

20210704 Pacific Golden Plover NWT Cley Marshes


20210704 Pacific Golden Plover
'The bird left Hickling Broad early morning heading North and will soon pitch up at Cley..... '
And here it is.

20210704 Pacific Golden Plover
Serpentine, Cley Marshes.
Front cover of the CBC Newsletter.