Tuesday, 19 July 2022

20220719 Arctic Skua, Cley and the Hottest Day


20220719 Arctic Skua 
Dark morph, turning dive into attack run.

20220719 Artic Skua
Not so dark morph...
Locked onto BHGull over Arnolds as all birds went up.

20220719 Arctic Skua.
5 white primary shafts.

20220719 GCormorant
Gular fluttering by 0820hrs.

20220719 Grey Heron
Glaven Valley.
Tongue out by 0936hrs

20220719 NWheatear
2 just fledged juvs on shingle ridge. 
Must have been raised on the Reserve.

Sunday, 10 July 2022

20220710 Purple Emperor NE Norfolk

20220710 Purple Emperor
On footpath mid morning absorbing salts...


20220710 Purple Emperor

20220710 Silver-washed Fritillary

Friday, 8 July 2022

20220708 Black-crowned Night Heron & Eurasian Curlew, Cley Marshes


20220708 Black-crowned Night Heron
Adult and Little Egret.

20220708 Black-crowned Night Heron

20220708 Black-crowned Night Heron
One possibly two plumes.

20220704 Eurasian Curlew
Female sporting the longest bill ever seen...

Wednesday, 6 July 2022

20220706 European Honey Buzzard & Northern Goshawk NNorfolk


20220706 Honey Buzzard & NGoshawk
Honey flew at Gos from range then circled with it and mobbed it.

20220706 NGoshawk
Male and female dog fighting.

20220729 NGoshawk
Juvenile soaring up from conifer plantation. Upperparts.

20220729 NGoshawk
Juvenile underparts, note hooded effect on face and head.
Most plantaions of over 1.0Kmsq now hold breeding Gos.

20210730 CBuzzard
Light phase juvenile, NENorfolk.

20220706 EHoney Buzzard & NGoshawk
Male Honey flew at male Goshawk.

20220709 E Sparrowhawk
Male mobbed by Barn Swallow.