Thursday, 29 September 2022

20220929 Baltic Gull & Caspian Gull Cley Marshes


20220929 Baltic Gull type
1st summer - 2nd winter... 

20220929 Baltic Gull type
P10 2/3rds grown...
Mainly white underwing coverts.

20220929 Caspian Gull
One of two adult winter birds 'in late on and over the back.'

20220926 Baltic Gull type
1st summer, after dark and at the back end of the fuscus hour.
E-M1 stretched to the very limits....

20220926 Baltic Gull type

20220926 Capian Gull
1of 2 classic 1st winter Caspos into roost.

20220929 Baltic Gull...

20220920 Caspian Gull...
Bill and iris not good... but...?

20220928 Med x BHGull hybrid
Sheringham seafront.
Small bill and head of BHGull.
Body and wings as 2nd winter Med.

20221001 Baltic Gull
2nd winter birds again as on 29th Sept.

20220929 Baltic Gull
1st summer type...

20220929 Baltic Gull
EM's flight shots.

20220929 Baltic Gull

20220929 Baltic Gull
White base to underwing coverts.

Wednesday, 14 September 2022

20220914 Ruff 'AUH', Arctic Skua & Whimbrel Cley Marshes


20220914 Ruff
Lt: Orange tibia, metal tarsus.

20220914 Ruff
Rt: Light Green 'AUH'.

20220910 Arctic Skua

20220910 Arctic Skua
Unusual white tail base.
Chasing Sandwich Tern.

20220910 Artic Skua

20220919 Whimbrel
Juvenile on Simmonds with shortest bill ever seen.

20220919 Whimbrel
Plump and short billed.

Tuesday, 13 September 2022

20220913 Pallid Harrier, Holkham Freshmarsh


20220913 Pallid Harrier
Juvenile male.
Down on carrion near LADrive.

20220913 Pallid Harrier
Bulging neck boa.

20220913 Common Raven
now at the Holkham Est.

20220915 Pallid Harrier

20220915 Pallid Harrier

Saturday, 10 September 2022