20230508 Grey-headed Wagtail
With cattle by Wattling Water in flock of 34 Yellow Wagtail.
Heavy blotching on breast sides.
20230508 Grey-headed Wagtial Grey nape and crown showed well from rear. |
20230508 Grey-headed Wagtail From front face showed blacker. |
20230501 Blue-headed Wagtail Motacillla flava flava Solid greyish blue cap but, paler chin and throat... suggesting Channel cline. Only shot of bird with 4 others that moved on West...
20230508 Yellow Wagtail Female flavissima |
20230508 Yellow Wagtail Male flavissima |
20230510 Walsy Halo |
20230505 Curlew Sandpiper Simmonds scrape. Attaining full breeding plumage. |
20230505 Curlew Sandpiper Bill short and light,especially at the base for this species, suggesting male. Proportions as Dunlins. |