Wednesday, 31 May 2023

20230531 Red-backed Shrike, Kelling Heath


20230531 Red-backed Shrike
Male held territory for a short time on the Heath.
Most are found by holiday makers these days as most of the Heath is holiday cabins.

20230531 Red-backed Shrike
Tiny white patch at base of 3 primaries.



20230531 Red-backed Shrike

Saturday, 20 May 2023

20230520 Cattle Egret & Cinnabar Moth, Overy Marshes

20230520 Cinnabar Moth

20230520 Cattle Egret
Probably a breeding pair... with prime cattle of the Holkham Estate.

Carpets of Thrift in the dunes.

20230520 Tufted Duck
Pair in dyke.

20230523 CCrane
NWT Ranworth Broad.

Monday, 8 May 2023

20230508 Grey-headed Wagtail & Curlew Sandpiper, NWT Cley Marshes


20230508 Grey-headed Wagtail
With cattle by Wattling Water in flock of 34 Yellow Wagtail.
Heavy blotching on breast sides.

20230508 Grey-headed Wagtial
Grey nape and crown showed well from rear.

20230508 Grey-headed Wagtail
From front face showed blacker.

20230501 Blue-headed Wagtail Motacillla flava flava
Solid greyish blue cap but, paler chin and throat... suggesting Channel cline.
Only shot of bird with 4 others that moved on West...

20230508 Yellow Wagtail
Female flavissima

20230508 Yellow Wagtail
Male flavissima

20230510 Walsy Halo

20230505 Curlew Sandpiper
Simmonds scrape. 
Attaining full breeding plumage.

20230505 Curlew Sandpiper
Bill short and light,especially at the base for this species, suggesting male.
Proportions as Dunlins.

Thursday, 4 May 2023

20230504 Black Tern, KWM & Glossy Ibis Cley Marshes


20200504 Black Tern 
Black head and body of male.

20230504 Black Tern
Swooping marsh tern.

20230504 Black Tern

20230504 Black Tern
Dark grey body, blacker hood and white chin of female.

20200505 Glossy Ibis 
2 over Cley Marshes.

20230505 Glossy Ibis
Swan Lake Cley.

20230510 Swan Lake
Iron Road.

Tuesday, 2 May 2023

20230502 Hoopoe & Ring Ouzel, West Runton


20230502 Hoopoe
Returned several times to CP now £4.00 a shot...
Well worth it today!

20230502 Hoopoe
Olympus users club reunion and ScotDoc scoped a Whinchat way out on fenceline.

20230502 Hoopoe
Favoured overflow CP field as good feeding.

20230428 Ring Ouzel
Lone male.

20230428 Ring Ouzel