Tuesday, 27 June 2023

20230627 Black-winged Stilt, Frampton Marsh


20230627 Black-winged Stilt
Female with brownish black upperparts, male was blacker.

20230627 Black-winged Stilt

20230627 Black-tailed Godwit

20230627 Black-winged Stilt
Black upperparts of male.

Sunday, 18 June 2023

20230618 American Golden Plover & E Spoonbill, Cley Marshes


20230618 American Golden Plover
Odd bulge under lower mandible.
Initially ID as Pacific...??

20230618 American Golden Plover
Bulge not seen on Titchwell bird latter in August.

20230618 American Golden Plover
Long & sharpe primary projection shows here, also well beyond tail.

20230618 Eurasian Spoonbill
Pair with 2 juvs on Pats. Where have they bred this year....?

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

20230607 Western Osprey, NE Highlands


20230607 Osprey

202306008 Osprey
Female & 3 young on eyrie.

20230610 Osprey

20230610 Osprey

20230610 Osprey

20230610 Short-eared Owl
Returning with prey to site of owlet in deep heather.
Adults were active in the early morning not the evenings
and went down over a wide area in a shallow valley. 
Average clutch size is 7.... so as to react to prey abundance.

20230501 Short-eared Owl
Hunting over the saltmarsh on its way to the Highlands...

20230501 Short-eared Owl
WBank Cley.

20230610 Loch Mhor
Taken from Dam. The Loch is used as a reservoir for a hydro-electric system.