Wednesday, 20 December 2023

20231220 Pallas's Leaf Warbler, Warham Greens & Glossy Ibis, Stiffkey


20231220 Pallas's Leaf Warbler
Golden face.

20231220 PLWarbler
Very bright and golden bird.
Shot about on its own all morning.

20231220 PLWarbler
Located on call, a quiet 'chuee'.
Louder strong disyllabic 'wee-esp' given only once prior to longer flight.

20231220 Pallas's Leaf Warbler
1000th sec didn't freeze bird...
Fast and jurky movements with swift flights along hedge lines.
Largest yellow rump ever seen on vagrant Pallas's.

20231220 Goldcrest
2 birds in the fruiting Xmas Ivy by copse, no association from Pallas's.

20231220 Glossy Ibis
COP28 bird at Stiffkey.

20231222 Glossy Ibis
Dull 1st winter bird.
Slightly richer brown on breast.

20231226 Pallas's Leaf Warbler
Fast and flitting.

20231226 Pallas's Leaf Warbler
Kept low to ground, calling frequently for periods.
A soft 'chuee'.

Friday, 15 December 2023

20231215 Short-eared Owl & Bewick's Swan St Benet's Abbey


20231215 Short-eared Owl 
6 birds here.
OM-1 Subject detection birds...

20231215 Whooper Swan
Ludham Airfield

20231215 SEOwl
The Hover.

20231215 SEOwl
The dive.

20231215 SEOwl
The flyby.

20231215 SEOwl
The miss.

20240103 SEOwl
4 birds roosting in thicket along bank.

20240104 SEOwl

20240104 SEOwl

20240104 SEOwl

20240104 Kestrel and SEOwl

20240104 Bewick's Swan 10 of 24 in at dusk.

20240104 Tundra Swan
One with neck color tracker.
White D or O.... WWT?