Saturday, 25 January 2025

20250125 Lesser White-fronted Goose, Ken Hill Marshes


20250125 Lesser White-fronted Goose
Shot from Beach Rd upon arrival, flock flying to South end of Marshes.

202501225 LWFGoose
One Russian WF had joined the flock.

20250125 LWFGoose & RWFGoose

20250125 LWFGoose

20250125 LWFGoose

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

20250114 Glaucous Gull, Old Hunstanton


20250114 Feral Pigeon
Much Peregrine prey about cliff, also Fulmar, and Waders on shoreline...
Ideal nesting location but for disturbance in the summer months.
Last nested in about 1815 and birds have roosted on the cliffs more recently, 
surely to return...?

20250114 Glaucous Gull
1st winter loafing on tideline.
Image from 100% frame shot.

20250114 Glaucous Gull
Image from in camera x2 crop... 200%.
Let the camera do the work?

20250114 Glaucous Gull

20250114 Sanderling
Abundant and tame on Old Hunstanton Beach.

20250114 Red Kite
Pre-roost gathering on Grimston Warren.
25 counted into woods.
2 male Hen Harriers into Roydon Roost very late and too dark...

20250114 Glaucous Gull

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

20250107 Tundra Bean Goose & Greenland Whitefronted Goose, Saxlingham Norfolk


20250107 Tundra Bean Goose
Head of gander is larger and even more square than the goose, and Pink-foot's.

20250107 Tundra Bean Goose
Portriate of the pair.

20250107 Tundra Bean Goose

20250107 Glossy Ibis
Stiffkey Flood.

20250108 Greenland White-fronted Goose
Side by side comparison supplied by SJMG using 'the big white' 150-400mm x1.25, x2 telecon.
Equivalent to optically 2000mm in old money...
Some reach and some exceptional quality!!
Note against a bright near white backdrop.
Note Dx0 processing used here.

20250108 Greenland White-fronted Goose
300mm F4 x2 telecon. Equivalent to optically 1200mm...
Note straight forward Adobe processing used here.

20250108 Greenland White-fronted Goose
Flew in with Pink-foot flock late morning.

20250108 Pink-footed Goose

Ref: J Kemp. ID of Greenland White-fronted Goose. BWorld 2001.

20250104 Green Sandpiper
Wintering bird at Letheringsett Ford.