Tuesday, 7 January 2025

20250107 Tundra Bean Goose & Greenland Whitefronted Goose, Saxlingham Norfolk


20250107 Tundra Bean Goose
Head of gander is larger and even more square than the goose, and Pink-foot's.

20250107 Tundra Bean Goose
Portriate of the pair.

20250107 Tundra Bean Goose

20250107 Glossy Ibis
Stiffkey Flood.

20250108 Greenland White-fronted Goose

20250108 Greenland White-fronted Goose
Flew in with Pink-foot flock late morning.

20250108 Pink-footed Goose

Ref: J Kemp. ID of Greenland White-fronted Goose. BWorld 2001.