Friday, 27 January 2023

20230127 Richardson's Cackling Goose, Brancaster & other Geese


20230127 Richardson's Cackling Goose
Flock of Pink foot could only be viewed from 0.5Km away and into the light...??
Flock arrived early in twilight from the NE low over Barrow Common.

20230127 Richardson's Cackling Goose
The excellent spotter on the back of his pick-up gave directions and 'head-up' alerts... here is the head shot.
Must rank as the worst semi-tick experience along with the 'Normal for Norfolk' concrete
pad parking and prangs.

20230103 Russian Greater White-fronted Goose
Holkham Freshmarsh, c70.
Maximum black banding on this birds belly.

20230131 Russian White-fronted Goose
Bayfield Lake.
2 not so mature birds jioned Greylag flock here.

20230131 Canada Goose Branta canadensis canadensis
Lone bird in Greylag flock.

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

20230124 Bearded Reedling, Blakeney Freshes


20230124 Bearded Reedling
Ran into flock of 14 avidly feeding on seed heads in clump of reed.

20230124 Bearded Reedling
Surely Moustached Reedling?

20230124 Bearded Reedling
Female with uniform crown.

20230124 Bearded Reedling
Female variant or 1st winter, with lateral crown stripes, dark lores and dull bill.
Bird also showed minimal dark streaks in mantle.

20230124 Hen Harrier
Female hunting pipit over salt marsh.
Erroneous sightings of Pallid abound...

20230108 Barn Owl
Hunting Blakeney Freshes.
x1.4 telecom due to dull day.

Tuesday, 17 January 2023

20230117 Hen Harrier, Stubbs Mill


20230117 Hen Harrier
Male resting up in water meadow.
'Retrieved the day Eric'.

20230117 Hen Harrier

20230117 Chinese Water Deer
Brazen Old Three Tusks with war scars.

20230117 Hen Harrier
Probably a wintering Scandinavian bird, as the British population is on its last legs...

20230116 Black-legged Kittiwake
Cromer Beach

Thursday, 12 January 2023

20230112 Long-billed Dowitcher, NWT Cley Marshes & Goosander Sculthorpe Moor


20230205 Long-billed Dowitcher
Very grey as adult winter.

20230205 Longbilled Dowitcher
Showing barred Axillaries...
Not of any ID use.

20230112 Long-billed Dowitcher
1st winter plumage...

20230112 Long-billed Dowitcher
Roosted amongst Teal and often below the bank.
Flushed out by MHarriers arriving to roost.

20230112 Long-billed Dowitcher
Flushed with Lapwing flock at twilight and hid amongst them.
Note shape of distal third of bill.

20221021 Liong-billed Dowitcher
Bird at Cley in October...
In bright sunlight.

20230113 Goosander
Selbrigg Pond

20220114 Goosander
Pristine male on new Wetland, SculMoor.

20220114 Goosander
How many past records for the reserve?