Friday 26 July 2024

20240726 Greater Sand Plover, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea Northumberland


20240726 Greater Sand Plover
Charadrius leschenaultii

20240726 Greater Sand Plover
British Isles Lifer 460...

20240726 Power Station Beach
Bird roosted amongst bolders here with Ringed Plover and Dunlin.
Good evening light.

20240726 Greater Sand Plover

20240726 Greater Sand Plover
At one with the bolders.

20240727 Med Gull
Juvenile off rocks at Beacon Point. 

20240727 Eider

20240727 Greater Sand Plover

20240727 Greater Sand Plover
Coming into land on Church Beach, Newbiggin-by -the-Sea.

20240727 GS Plover
Black mask against white chin and throat would be the first of many alarm bells,
 as the bird comes into land on a beach near you...

20240727 GS Plover
Feeding space aggression with Ringed, Sanderling runnig for cover...

20240727 GS Plover

20240727 GS Plover
Much larger and longer in the wing than Ringed in flight.
Feet slightly beyond tail.

20240727 GS Plover
Feeding on Church Beach.

20240726 Greater Sand Plover

20240726 Greater Sand Plover

20240729 Humber Bridge
Lincolnshire, the gateway to many ticks...

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