Saturday, 1 February 2025

20250201 Big Black, OM System 150-600mm test shots


20250201 BHGull
Big Black x1.4 telecon, 1108mm equiv.
Great bokeh.
At long range Bird Subject detection with C-AF fails to focus consistently enough... so far.
Use S-AF+MF for bang on focus in long range mode.

20250201 BHG
300mm F4 x2 Tele. 1200mm equiv.
 Very sharpe... Also Subject detection was left on at all times with this lens combination with
very few missess...

20250201 BHG
2400mm equiv...
As a past well pleased user of the Sigma 50-500mm with, adapter on an E-M1,
 The Big Black's spec appeal is exceptioally desireable...

20250201 Mute Swan
680mm with x1.4 telecon, nice and easy shot, very smooth.

20250202 Bearded Reedling
x2 telecon,1896mm equiv. Note this converter gives ample reach to pull back the zoom.
Note lens still at a higher focal length than the x1.4 can reach...

20250204 Coot
Selbrigg Pond.
x1.4 telecon at 740mm. Composition options are great with the Big Black.
Smooth tones and sharp edges creates a nice image.

20250215 Fieldfare
Rain, dull and grey evening. 1200mm, F9,1/400th, ISO12800.
Vitariski as hide.

20250215 Fieldfare
Dull as above. 1680mm x1.4 tele, F9, 1/400th ISO10000.
Vitariski as hide.

20250222 Dunlin
The Ultimate test.
2400mm equiv. at back of Simmond's, a difficult shot...

20250222 Dunlin
2400mm equiv. At long range and with normal daylight the x2 telecon gives the desired reach for ID.
The x1.4 telecon can be used in all lights, but is not decisive enough for long range... as ever.
Is The Big Black the ultimate twitching lens...??

20250221 Avocet
Flock off Pat's. x2 telecon at 846mm equiv.

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