Monday, 1 January 2024

Dark-bellied Brent Goose D3 & J4, Salthouse Marshes


20240101 Dark-bellied Brent
J4 and D3 with 2 1st winter birds.
The pair are in the Cley area for the 5th successive winter...!

20240101 Db Brent
Adult D3 with 8 1st winter birds... number fluctuated about 7, is this a creche?
Pair can lay up to 8 eggs.

20240101 Db Brent
 green D, lime 3

Left leg: lime ring with black code 3.

Right leg: green ring with white code D.

Metal ring no.6181795

Ringed 14/5/19 as an adult male on the island of Terschelling (Netherlands

53 22N 05 16E).

Paired with

Left leg: lime ring with black code 4.

Right leg: green ring with white code J.

Metal ring no.6184219.

Ringed 14/5/19 as an adult female on the island of Terschelling (Netherlands

53 22N 05 16E).

Sightings 2023 Cley Marshes 5/1(DHo), 26/2(with 5 juvs)(ACh,GBo), 12/3(with 5 juvs)(JMc), 20/11(with 7 juvs)(DPW), 5/12(with 9 juvs)(only one ring code read on each bird)(DPW).

Movements Seen again on Terschelling 17/5/19. Probably present at Cley Marshes 14/12/19 and 24/1/20 but codes could not be made out, codes read there on 15/2/20 then at Salthouse Marshes 17/2/20. Seen at Terschelling 16+19/3/20, Texel (Noord-Holland, Netherlands) 2/4/20 and then at Stavstensudden (Trelleborg, Malmohus, Sweden 55 22N 13 05E) 25/11/20. Seen back again at Cley Marshes 4/12/20 then at Salthouse 8/12/20, S of Cley 17/12/20(with a brood of one), Cley Marshes 12/1/21, 23-24/2/21 (codes could not be read on the first date). Seen again in the Netherlands at Texel 30/3/21 then at Terschelling 10/4/21 – 15/5/21. Seen 21/11/21 at Cley Marshes, S of Walsey Hills 25/11/21 and Cley Marshes 21/12/21. Seen at Texel again 15/3/22-13/4/22 then at Polder Hee (Freisland, Netherlands) 17/4/22-14/5/22. Cley Marshes from 21/12/22 with a brood of 5 youngsters. Subsequently seen at Texel again 19/3/23 then Terschelling 29/3/23-18/5/23.

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